As you may have noticed, I've been slightly MIA recently. Although my blog is one of my favorite pastimes, for the past few weeks, and for the next month, I need to focus on one main goal- the GRE. For those of you unfamiliar with the American educational system, this is the standardized test for graduate schools. Ironically, although I haven't taken a math class for about five years, and I am a professional writer/editor/bookworm (well, the bookworm part might not be so professional), I am a gun at the math section and absolutely atrocious at vocab.
Apparently there are 3,500 words I should know as well as I know how to spell my own name (mom, if you are reading this do NOT laugh; for everyone else, I misspelled my name once, when I was young and have never lived it down... it was definitely a blonde moment) so I've been living in a sea of flash cards, as evidenced by the pictures. I also have the luxury of living above my uncle's unbelievably delicious, totally sinful restaurant, Home Run Bar & Grill, where all too often I get fed tasty treats like this cheese cake.
Although I had just come from a pretty intense workout at the gym, clearly I had no issues wolfing down the entire piece. I'm chalking it up to brain food!
So, anyone have some good vocabulary words for me to learn?
Also, as promised on my Facebook fan page, I am going to do a giveaway of one of the gorgeous bracelets I bought in India (I got 4, really unnecessary) so make sure you follow!